Vinny is a 5'6 ft 47 year old iron ore block who works as a sheriff nowadays but previously worked for The Iron Organization, hes an energetic stubborn and determined sheriff who goes around exploring towns and cities whenever he can to try and help others in need. (Or possibly stumble upon his old co-workers from the iron organization.)
Vinny's experience with the iron organization was a bit rough, he was in good terms with almost everyone but there are times where he tends to annoy them, but most of the time he worked well at the job until it broke up suddenly, he got an alcohol addiction after the break up due to stress and traumatic experiences caused from the organizations, nowadays he just works as a sheriff which was something he always dreamt of being.
His experience being a sheriff is pretty boring, the town he works at isnt very much filled with crime so he doesnt get to do his job most of the time unless needed, but he still enjoys the job nonetheless, he spends his time going around places to explore to try and find crime to stop, however he mostly does it to try and find an old friend he knew during the organization, he just randomly disappeared without any words or so before the break up of the organization, he was quite close to him and it hurt seeing him disappear so suddenly.
Most of the time if hes not stopping crime he goes to the nearby bar (or the bar he usually goes too if hes staying at his place) to get a drink, lots of them, he drinks to forget his issues but they never go away most of the time, due to the organization breakup and years passing after that, he assumes the emerald organization isnt going on anymore and could potentially end up accidentally befriending a member and spitting out information regarding the irons to the emeralds while drunk, as hes a dumbass and isnt aware its still going on.
Appearance wise, Vinny wears a black sheriff cowboy hat with a silver star on it, a darker black bandana with a greyish white pattern on it, a black long coat, a grey collared vest with a few buttons, a greyish white shirt, darker black gloves, darker black pants with a belt and black shoes.
Name: Vinny Johnson
Age: 47
Height: 5'6 ft
Species: Iron Ore
Birthday: June 22
Status: Alive
Vinny likes cowboys a lot, And I do mean a LOT! when hes not wearing his casual clothing, he usually tries to wear casual cowboy inspired like clothes.
Vinny is the type of guy to name his guns, his revolver is named "Silver Shooter", he also talks to his guns as well.
He lives in a house a bit far from the town, he usually lives alone but he tends to get visitors from time to time either from the town or from far away.
A pic of how vinnys house looks like :] (Still wip, pic may change.)
If Vinny was voiced, He would sound exactly like Mogens from the movie Klaus.
more will come soon im just lazy LMFOA
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