Knightly is a 5'9 ft 18 year old chimera, Hes a guy who doesn't like life very much and is usually just very rude in general, there are times where hes nice if he actually likes you or finds you interesting so hes not ALWAYS an asshole, hes mostly neutral or rude though keep that in mind.
Knightly lives on Polaris (The Chimerians planet) but he mostly visits earth due to Raymond making him spend more time with Mike, however both of them have to be extremely careful since it's forbidden and illegal to exit Polaris due to the violent natures of the planet.
Raymond also takes him to earth to protect him as Knightly is a Grey and Blue blood, due to his blood being grey, he would be called a "Bad Blood" and has to be exterminated as fast as possible on Polaris due to it's horrible strict rules, but since hes also double blooded by having grey and blue blood colors, hes called an "Abomination Blood" which is technically an even worse Bad Blood according to Polaris. Double blooded chimerians dont have their bloods mixed to combine one color, both are seperate in certain parts of the areas of their body instead! It can be anywhere.
Unlike Mike, Knightly doesnt have any wings nor is he planning to choose getting them despite being related to a god, he thinks its useless to him.
Appearance wise, Knightly wears a grey helmet with cutlass like horns, A dark grey zip up hoodie with a few light grey spots, black pants and black shoes.
Name: Knightly ???
Age: 18
Height: 5'9 ft
Species: Chimera (Fire)
Birthday: March 7
Status: Alive
Knightly is the younger brother of Mike and Raymond, despite Knightly and Mike being born on the same day and year, Knightly was born second and Mike was the first.
more will come soon im just lazy LMFOA
Fuck you -Knightly
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