Cool websites from the web!

These are buttons to other sites on neocities that i think are rlly cool and such!!! I also gave my friends buttons their own category so go check out their web too!!

If you want to put my button on your web here!!! (please save the image and upload it on your server!!)

My friend's websites!

Random websites on neocities that I find really neat!

Offsite stuff that I find really neat!


this website is what helped me learn about coding and stuff! its always there for me whenever I need it!!

glitter graphics

cool graphics website from the 2000s! rlly helpful if you love collecting graphics and such!


the web i used for those glitter text gifs!! rlly nice to use :D


old gifs from geocities! really helpful for graphics as well! although pls be warned that theres nsfw gifs on this that can randomly pop out of no where B')


hosting web that i use to host music, videos and other stuff! rlly helpful if ure looking to host stuff somewhere!!


this is the web where that "[something] my beloved" and a few other gifs come from!! rlly fun to use for jokes and stuff!!