Welcome to a comfortable little spot! This page is all about teddy bears! I've always loved these things ever since I was quite a small ore, they were the first gift I have ever gotten in my entire life and that memory sticks to me like it was yesterday, I didnt even know such a little bear toy would quite affect my life! And I'd love to share about them on the web.
I will most likely also show little collections I have, I tend to collect teddy bears in my free time (Other than taking care of my fishes and plants of course.) I also love gifting my friends a teddy bear, sometimes I try to customize and dress the teddy bear to look like their interests! Like.. let's say they have an interest in Mario, I give the teddy bear a little mario outfit and mustache! Sewing clothes for these things are quite fun, especially seeing the smile on my friends, that is what I wish to see on them, a smile.
Why do I love these little soft things? Like I said previously, it happened when I got it as the first gift in my entire life, us ores didnt get treated well back then (And I suppose nowadays as well.. I'm unsure about it I must clarify that.) and it was quite hard to interact with people without scaring them, when I was 10 years old I managed to befriend a human out of no where when he spoke to me, he wasnt afraid and he seemed so interested in me, (I dont blame him, I was quite new to the eye after all.) I spoke with him for a while and we both liked hanging around with eachother, he and another ore were my only friends during the time so it meant a lot to me, he suddenly gifted me a teddy bear and I was just.. shocked, was this truly mine now? Do I really keep this? I didnt know how to accept it but I remember sobbing happily as it brought me a lot of joy, I still remember it like it was yesterday.
Me and him are still friends now in fact, it's just hes been quite busy with his life that he usually doesnt have time to be with me, but when the time comes he always comes towards me immediately as he enjoys listening to my stories and I enjoy listening to his.
I still have that little bear with me, I cant really take a picture of it right now so I'm just getting it from the interweb.. Hope you don't mind me getting it from there!
This was my first teddy bear I got! It's a steiff chestnut teddy bear and it means a lot to me heavily, I make sure to take care of it and make sure it's never felt alone. (this also applies to my other teddies I own.)
(also his name is Ten as that was the age I was when I got him.)
This part of the page is my teddy bear collection! I do not have a lot but I try and collect whenever I can, I am not that rich of a man nor do I have a lot of money to spend on without it being important for my business or life, I just try and get some whenever I can, I also try and sew them for friends but I mostly go with sewing the clothes for the teddies rather, I buy and give teddies to my friends.
This is a Teddy-Hermann teddy bear! His name is Bongo and he was my second teddy I got! I saw him at a store and thought it was really adorable, my friend got it for me as I was afraid of entering things owned by humans, I suppose this is a gift as well! I do thank my friend for helping me a lot in my previous times,
Heres another steiff teddy bear! This time it has a rose pattern on it and I think thats really sweet :) I named him Petals to reference the little roses on him, plus petals are just really pretty in general, he is my third teddy bear I got, I thought it'd make sense for me to keep the 3 first ever teddy bears I've ever gotten, I do not remember how I got this one however but I still adore him as much as the others.