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Name: Mike ???

Age: 18

Species: Chimera (Fire)

Status: Alive

Cause of Death: Nothing yet.

What do I think of Mike?

"I think hes quite interesting.."


This fellow is quite an interesting being... Hes not from earth! Hes from a different planet.. Polaris it was called? How interesting!

Hes a fire chimerian, theres apparently other two types of chimeras as well but thats not important at the moment! He got on earth when he was just 16, wearing only a dirty hoodie, pants and a box to hide his face so no one knows hes some sort of alien! He was quite chubby as well. When he was 16 he had no idea what is everything! He ran around like a genuine idiot! He would eat and steal food really fast, he wasnt very polite! Nor did he consider having some manners when eating! (Yuck!) He even ate trash.. And a whole plate?? I'm unsure how these Chimerians work but they sure as hell can be quite okay after eating a whole plate.

Later on he would try to change his behaviour, he learned a bit more english when he was 17 and upon realizing what he did wasnt very human like (it quite explains the police chases and such), he felt embarassed, verryyy embarassed!.. So poor little ol Mike had to change appearance! Luckily no one knew his name so he didnt need to change it. His new appearance had him wearing an open hoodie with a shirt underneath, pants with a belt on that has a chain attached, skeleton gloves, got more skinnier and a paintball mask to hide his face, using his flames to resemble hair. He met a group of people who were the same as age him, they noticed he was an alien but that didnt matter as one of the people were very obsessed with aliens and loved them, Mike wasnt a threat to them so they just took him in the friend group, hes still in the group to this day.

Apparently according to his planets rules or something, Mike is some sort of god, even related to one! Mike secretly has wings but he doesnt show them as he feels quite ashamed to have them, I wonder why? I havent figured out as to why he doesnt want to be viewed as a god, can you imagine the power he could have if he ever showed himself off? Could you even imagine how humans would react seeing some sort of alien that is also some sort of god? Though I will say, he isnt really immortal! He is immortal to old age but he can still die by anything else, this is also for every chimera as well! Including the god types! Maybe there are more types of chimeras I dont know about..

Mikes personality or well.. what I think hes like! Is moreso like.. A shy embarassed paranoid loser who is also very energized, when you know him much better hes going to be extremely energetic and caring, he cares about you and would care about your feelings as well, he makes sure everyone is doing okay and makes sure to spread positivity around others! Though hes extremely hard on himself, quite sad isn't it?

I made a little drawing showing some stuff about Mike here!

Isn't he interesting..?

Mike's Secrets.

I will now be sharing some secrets about Mike! Hoohoo! This is my favorite part!

As I said previously, hes quite hard on himself, he keeps hating himself a huge secret around people as to not worry anyone!

Mike has eaten trash from dumpsters and trash cans, plates, concrete, sponges, bolts nails and screws, food from other people (This can be both fresh food people just ordered that he stole or leftover food from a restaurant.), a Human (Only once!), a Chimera (Six times!), live animals, plastic and cloth. There is most likely much more but I havent figured out what else he ate.

Mike is a god and he hides that from people

Mike self harms, he self harms on the same spots as he thinks people wouldnt notice the cut he made as he cut it in the same spot as his scars, he sometimes harms himself by punching the wall or himself, slamming his body or head against the wall, biting himself extremely hard, stabbing himself in the head (Chimeras work differently, their brain isnt in their head, its rather in their chest! So he doesnt easily die but he sure as hell harms himself this way somehow.) and kicking himself or his leg on the wall. What a sad being.

Mike has atleast murdered 23 beings. (This includes humans and chimeras, but its mostly live animals or the animals in his planet.)

Mike has a guilty pleasure of liking it when he self harms, not in like a sexual way, he just likes how it feels when he harms himself and only himself, he hates it when other people harm him or he harms others, he just enjoys bringing pain to himself FROM himself only.

Mike has a crush, this is probably the most normal thing here honestly.